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An award winning writer, entrepreneur, and activist, Jonathan did not learn to read until he was twelve years old.

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Confessional and often hilarious, in Normal Sucks a neuro-diverse writer, advocate, and father meditates on his life, offering the radical message that we should stop trying to fix people and start empowering them to succeed.

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Talks & Topics

Jonathan Mooney has been a professional public speaker for over 15 years and has spoken in 49 states (Mississippi why don’t you call?) and five countries. Over the years he has spoken to kids in kindergarten, corporate execs, high school students, Ivy League professors, social workers, librarians, inmates, designers, parents, teachers, and everyone in-between about re-imaging education for the 21st century, inclusion, neurodiversty, the myth of normalcy, youth empowerment and much more. While he tailors each presentation to his clients needs, all of Jonathan’s presentations are delivered without notes or power point slides with humor, heart, and tremendous passion.

topic 1

Jonathan Mooney was one of “those kids”: One of those Kids who couldn’t sit still and spent elementary school chilling out with the janitor in the hallway.

My Talks
topic 2

The End of School & The Future of Learning

A biology lesson in a museum, surrounded by paintings. Classes on happiness instead of the quadratic equation. Getting an “A” for being the best student at handling failure.

My Talks
topic 3

School Sucks. After School Shouldn't.

Jonathan Mooney knows first hand the transformative power of after school programs.

My Talks
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social impact

My Projects

Outside of my speaking and writing, I've done nothing in my professional career other than work for social change and justice.

"What makes this journey so inspiring is Mooney's transcendent humor; the self he has become does not turn away from old pain but can laugh at it, make fun of it, make it into something beautiful." ―Los Angeles Times

Jonathan is a widely sought after speaker whose work has been featured in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, HBO, NPR, ABC News, New York Magazine, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe.

He lives in Los Angeles and is highly active in the Social Impact community.

public speaker. author. different.

Connect With Jonathan Mooney

I'm keenly interested in any opportunity to share my experience with you. Please fill out the form and I'll be in touch shortly.

- Jonathan


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