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Brown Reader

The Brown Reader

50 Writers Remember College Hill

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I was so honored to contribute an essay called The Dyslexic brain kicks ass to the Brown reader—a book published In celebration of Brown University’s 250th anniversary, where fifty remarkable, prizewinning writers and artists who went to Brown provide unique stories—many published for the first time—about their adventures on College Hill. Funny, poignant, subversive, and nostalgic, the essays, comics, and poems in this collection paint a vivid picture of college life, from the 1950s to the present, at one of America’s most interesting universities.

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10 Things You Need To Consider When Buying A Template on Webflow


The Brown Reader


November 17, 2017

Aenean auctor scelerisque magna, a fermentum nibh. Suspendisse potenti ras pulvinar, metus a dignassem dignissim.

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10 Things You Need To Consider When Buying A Template on Webflow

Aenean auctor scelerisque magna, a fermentum nibh. Suspendisse potenti ras pulvinar, metus a dignassem dignissim.


If The World Ended Today What Kind Of Template Would You Buy?

Aenean auctor scelerisque magna, a fermentum nibh. Suspendisse potenti ras pulvinar, metus a dignassem dignissim.


Successful Story: How We Help Google To Launch Its New Project

Aenean auctor scelerisque magna, a fermentum nibh. Suspendisse potenti ras pulvinar, metus a dignassem dignissim.